
As an Infrastructure and cloud engineer, over these past years I have learnt many new skills that allow me to develop as an engineer using tools such as Terraform, Packer, Ansible, Github and many more to carry out the tasks I need to.

I learn new skills and services within the cloud platforms such as Azure & AWS that allow me to provide the solutions required by the clients I work with, which got me thinking if I am an experienced engineer and I am still learning new techniques and tools everyday then other professionals or even someone who is interested in tech or a carer change maybe able to learn new techniques and tools that they didn’t even realise existed on their way to upskilling.

Sooo, following on from the culture, set of operating principles, and collection of practices that that I work with daily CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery) I believe the best way to learn in tech is a principle of Continuous Learning & Continuous Development which has led me to create the acronym CL/CD! This has led me to start this blog where I share what I have learnt recently in the hope it may help someone else or start a conversation with someone who may be able to explain the topic better than myself.



Parmbir Dhaliwal
Parmbir Dhaliwal

Certified Cloud Architect & Infrastructure specialist currently working as a Cloud Consulting Engineer who has over 10 years of experience working with technology across a number of industries ranging from IT Managed Hosting, Banking, Finance and Logistics.